Nicolas Cage in The Expendables 3

Na het wereldwijd succes van The Expendables 2 geeft Sylvester Stallone aan dat hij en zijn team druk bezig zijn met The Expendables 3. Tegenover nieuws website JoBlo zegt Stallone dat niemand minder dan Nicolas Cage meegaat doen in het nieuwe deel.

Lees hieronder wat Sly er over gezegd heeft:

“We are preparing the film with the same passion and commitment as the previous two. We have confirmed Nicolas Cage, a master actor who gives a veneer intellectual group. Hopefully we can realize to Harrison Ford, Wesley Snipes and Mickey Rourke. That is the great mission of the producer. We will continue with the same narrative scheme, the agility and the frenzy, which are inherent to the saga. What will definitely be the last? I can not guarantee. In principle it would be two deliveries, but the affection of the people encouraged us to work on a third. I guess as long as we amused ourselves by offering fun and people, we can continue playing ‘The Expendables’. For now we are not as expendable as it should and as some critics want.”


Bekijk hier nog de trailer van Expendables 2 die binnenkort al weer op Blu-ray/Dvd uitkomt:

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